Selasa, 21 April 2009

Not Important at All, Don't Bother to Read

Feels like wanting to fill the blog, but I don’t have any interesting thing to be said.
Only some problems, but I don’t feel like writing it.
Well, maybe because people will grow bored if I write that again and again.
I’ll just fill in some random things.
I can’t think anything clearly, because my mind is clouded.
I am also distracted by something.
My structure and the arrangement of the sentences in this post will be absolutely awful too…
My head is spinning…
Yeah, I have a week of holiday.
But, the teachers gave me lots of things and homework.
I haven’t finished any…
Screw the homework…
I just need a time of peace…
Being in my room, just laying on the bed doing nothing will be absolutely a great thing!!!
Add some heavy metal music from the radio sounds good too…

Tormented Complex (TC)

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