Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

I'm Back

hai hai
Long time no see...
Komputer gw rusak bo.... Jadinya sekarang aja pake komputer temen... HAhahahaha

Oy Vermillion... gw cuman isseng aja kok bikin kata-kata itu... Sekalian buat ngehibut diri....

Oiya T_C sabar yah... gw belom bisa buka fanfic lu... gak enak ma temen gw... jadinya maaf yahh.........

Nanti kalo gw punya waktu luang dan bisa ke warnet pasti gw buka deh.... Pasti... koko gak bakalan bohong ma lu....

Btw, besok gw ulangan Biologi dan sampai saat ini gw blom belajar... HAHahahahahahahaha

Malas banget yah...

Rasanya gw udah gak peduli....

Gw capek ma dunia ini


At School?!

It's holiday but i have to go to school for some silly stupid task!
totaly boring

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

Dark & Light

I knew
I've learn
Something that people won't expect

That we can't trust the light anymore

Is something that we use
when we're in dark
to cover the darkness of the life

a big smile
behind a cry
a laugh
behind sadness

Is there anything sufferer than it?

Something that making this life more empty
Is those smiles means your life is "light"?

I know
that people won't realize

I know
maybe they just don't care

I know
some of them want to hide it


that I can't trust the light anymore

Coz light is the dark itself


Jumat, 21 Maret 2008


Hey, Vermillion...
I'm mourning and depressed here...
Yet, you have fun at senayan city.
I'm alone.
Sitting here doing my homework and some useless stuff.


Kamis, 20 Maret 2008

Iseng hahaha

Lg di senayan city ni...


Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

I Hate This World

I hate this world...
I had a bad day today.
I have no idea what I should write today.
I'll just blabber something then.
For Rein, if you wrote all that poem-liked writing yourself, you've just discovered your other talent dude!
You love to say that you're not better than me, but in fact I'm the one who are the worst in this world!
So, leave me alone in this world without anything.
I've got nothing to be proud about.
Only this emptiness inside me.
This f*cking brain which can't work properly.
This brain-dead reprobate who is never appreciated by everyone.
Life is "wonderful".
Don't you think?
For Vermillion, sorry it takes me a long time to fill our blog again.
What can I do except mourning for this pathetic creature?
The one who isn't supposed to be born to this world...

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2008

a Letter

Dear rein,

Why you post "it" just for me?
hey, this not just between us....

I mean there's another one right? (TC)

sometimes I just know it.
Since we wrote this blog, I knew it.
Coz, I guess i have it to.
but in a diffrent way of course, that sometimes I couldn't explain.

maybe you should listen to 'reflection' song.

it's good.



Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Harap Dibaca untuk Vermillion

"Mengapa dunia ini selalu memberikan sesuatu yang tak pernah kita harapkan?"
"Sejak kapan semua harapanmu pernah terkabul?"

"Tetapi aku tak pernah meminta sebuah kesengsaraan dalam hidupku."
"Kapan kau pernah meminta kebahagiaan datang dalam hidupmu?"

"Tapi ini seperti sebuah kutukan bagiku."
"Namun kau juga pernah merasakan kebahagiaan yang patut kau syukuri dalam hidup ini bukan?"

"Pernahkah kau bertanya apakah gunanya kau hidup?"
"Yah, aku pernah menanyakan hal itu, namun tak ada yang bisa menjawanya."

"Lalu buat apa aku hidup kalau semuanya hanya menuju pada kematian. Aku tidak memiliki alasan untuk eksis di dunia ini.""Aku tidak berkata bahwa kau tidak punya alasan untuk eksis di dunia ini."

"Lantas mengapa kau berkata bahwa tak ada yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan itu."
"Kau sungguh manusia yang egois. Kau mencari alasan untuk eksis hanya untuk dirimu sendiri. Tidakkah kau melihat pada orang lain yang memberimu alasan untuk tetap hidup. Banyak yang membutuhkanmu sebagai sahabat, saudara, dan teman."

"Kalau begitu apa keuntungannya bagi diriku sendiri?"
"Kenapa kau terus menanyakan sesuatu yang selalu berhubungan dengan dirimu sendiri? Lalu kau anggap apa orang-orang yang ada di sekitarmu?"

"Kau benar, aku tidak menyadarinya. Aku ada bagi mereka dan mereka ada untukku."



Is this world will be endless?
Or I will be end in this world?
Many people say that it's the end of this world.
But I think that is the end of their life.
World is endless.
And my soul is rotten.
May I put revenge to this cruel world?
Or I just start to stab my sword on my self?
This world is in a plague
Plague of sorrow
All souls was trapped in the cage of life
Sorrow spread in our lifeUntil we are death


Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

By the way

For Vermillion:
in two of your blog you always ask something about your existance in this world...
I think you're looking about who is yourself...
You're same like me...
I want to ask you something...
Do you believe there are some people who have alter in their life...
If you believe that, you must know that i have an Alter. The alter's name is Rein. So that's why i use that name for my blog... it's kinda problem, isn't it?
It's just something that I never ask for.
You may know, I have some problem in my elementery time, and in the junior high time, i realize that's someone live inside me. Whenever Rein is want to show up in front of someone, i always feel something different. And he sometimes show up in school, in front of you or in front of Neko (our class) and TC. So if I act cruelly and become very shut and act cool look like i don't want to talk about anything. That's not me, That's Rein. And if you ask to me (rein in that situation) 'What happened with you?' He will say, 'I feel bored' or he will say something about bore or something like that.

For Tormented Complex, hope u read what I write to Vermillion.


Back again to continue my journey

hai-hai it's me Rein
back again to make some noise....
For Tormented complex, thx coz finally u fill this blog. and all of the blog named by me, i did it by myself, my english isn't really good. but thanks for your apreatiation (maaf kalo salah spelling, gw suka asal kalo spelling).

For the same blogger with me, thanks to pujangga-edan.blogspot.com Mariana yang udah memasukkan salah satu kata-kata yang pernah gw ucapkan di depan dia pada suatu kesempatan yang kurang menyenangkan.

Btw, tadi siang gw ke rumah seorang temen gw yang rumahnya luar biasa jauh, gw naek busway dari daerah kampung melayu sampe akhirnya gw turun di Ancol. Itu sama dengan ujung sama ujung. Mantaps.... Kurang bagus apa. Untung hari ini hari minggu jadi busway gak terlalu penuh. Kalo hari biasa tewas di tempat gw....

Vermillion, I think you're right.
Life always have something that unpredictable.
Alwayws give something that we don't want
And give something that surprise us.
In the happiness or in sadness.

But sometimes life is full of color.
Sometimes life is very dark.
And in the dark time, we call it hell of the world....

that's why we always chat in this site...

we have the same situation in life.
have the same desire.
same point of view....


Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

what life means to me


life is something that we never ask for...
but now the truth is we're alive
and in the end we will die...

so why people call it a grace?
although life make them suffering.

and, why people call it a curse?
although life could give them happiness.

what do you think the purpose of living in this world?

I don't have any idea about it.
and this question makes me want to stay alive
Coz, I want to know why God give me a life that I never ask for.
a lot of pain that I don't want...
a lot of happiness I never ask

what was that all about??


Kamis, 06 Maret 2008

Just Adding Something

I decide to write one more.
Rein, do you write all you have posted yourself?
Dude, I dig your style.
Your English is awesome man!
Vermillion, I have posted something on the blog.
I have done my homework then.
I dunno what I have to write anymore.
Kinda speechless sometime.
By the way, it has been a bad day for me today.
I've been having bad day recently.
Well, that's hell.

Hi!!!! It's me!!!

So, guys...
It's me!
First of all, I wanna apologize to Rein & Vermillion.
Sorry, it takes me a long time just to fill this blog.
Becoz tomorrow is a holiday, so I could open and fill our blog.
Well, my name is Tormented_Complex.
You can call me TC for short, but I prefer you call me with my full name.
I hate this world.
It has been an agonizing pain for me to live in this cruel world.
Nobody cares for me.
All people laugh and humiliate me.
Life is sucks!
I have tried to do what I can but nobody appreciate what I've done.
By the way, becoz tomorrow is a holiday, I can relieve myself for a while.
But, it's all the same.
Eveywhere is hell for me.


Hari ini adalah salah satu hari terburuk gw

A conversation adalah kata-kata yang gw torehkan di kertas selama jam pelajaran. Itu cuman inspirasi yang muncul saat mengingat sebua anime yang cukup mengundang air mata.

Hari ini, terutama pada saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris merupakan saat yang paling menyebalkan di dunia. Guru Inggris gw menjelma menjadi salah satu guru yang makan gaji buta dan gak niat ngajar murida sama sekali. Yang ada membuat gw semakin marah dan ini bener-bener yang gw rasain adalah ingin menghajarnya... Ge gak boong karena tadi gw udah kesel banget....


A Conversation

"Bagian manakah dari hidupmu yang merupakan kebahagiaan terbesar dalam hidupmu?"
"Saat aku berkumpul dengan keluargaku."

"Bagian manakah dalam hidupmu yang menjadi kesedihan terdalammu?"
"Saat aku kehilangan apa yang disebut keluarga."

"Apa maksudmu dengan rumah? Bukankah kau memiliki tempat untuk pulang?"
"Tidak, aku tidaka memiliki rumah. Karena aku tidak punya tempat untuk bernaung dari kehidupan ini, yang kupunya hanyalah tempat untuk beristirahat dari segala kerumitan dunia dan bagiku itu bukanlah rumah."

"Aku tetap tidak mengerti maksudmu."
"Aku tidak mengharapkan kau mengerti, lagipula kau tidak akan mngerti bila kau tidak mengalaminya."

"Apakah itu berarti kau telah kehilangan segala-galanya?"
"Tidak, yang hilang dariku hanyalah kepinga-kepingan masa lalu."

"Berarti, masa lalumu merupakan sesuatu yang berharga untukmu?"
"Mungkin, karena masa lalu itulah yang membuatku sekarang dapat berdiri di sini."

"Namun dengan begitu kau akan terus terikat dengan masa lalumu."
"Aku tak peduli, karena hidupku sekarang adalah suatu penebusan dosa dari masa laluku."

"Sebesar itukah kesalahan dan dosa yang telah kau perbuat?"
"Hanya Tuhan yang tahu. Itupun bila Tuhan itu ada."

"Kupikir, kau sama denganku."
"Kurasa tidak, apakah kau percaya akan neraka?"
"Ya, karena aku pernah beberapa kali masuk ke dalamnya."
"Mungkin kau pikir itu adalah neraka, namun bagiku neraka yang sebenarnya adalah kehidupan kita di dunia ini."

By ~Rein~

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

Just wanna answer

Cuma mo jawab rein...

btw akhir2 ini gue emang jadi ngefans ama yg dah almarhum...

-L-sama -->almarhum gara2 Raito
-Kaien-Dono -->almarhum gara2 hollow&rukia
-Nagi Springfield-->isunya almarhum


knp gue ngefans ama L?
karna L is better than Raito from every side (mnurut gue)


Nobody in this this world asked to be born
Nobody in this world planned to live in this world

I never knew why people call it as a gift
Or maybe it's a curse

but life means suffer

so why we should live in this world altough in the end we will die?
it's a question that human couldn't answer
all we need to do is

let "the waves would guide you to another day"

and that phrase inspire me to stay alive.

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Someone please remind me

Someone please remind me what is the benefit of living this life....
Please remind me what is the meaning to continue my life...
What is the purpose of this journey...

I never wanted to live this life....

I never wanted to continue with this way

I never wanted to go along in this journey...

Please give me the reason

Reason for me to continue this shit...

Shit of tension
Shit of the hunger...
Shit of luck

I'm so sick with this problems....

So please tell me the truth beneath another truth....


What the.....?

Vermillion u sampe segitunya hahahahaha.

Btw, gw kemaren hari selasa tanggal berapa tuh... 26 feb kalo gak salah. Sendi kaki gw geser lagi n itu mantab banget rasanya... Hahahaha Pengen bgt teriak tapi rasa sakit itu ngalahin semua rasa yang lain. Boleh dikata rasanya nano-nano.....

Oiya, gw mau kasih tau ke temen gw yang gw gak tau bakal baca ini atau kagak...
For me,
Friends is the people who i must protect all the time with all my life...
They must be in the safe place when we are in a dangerous time.
They must be happy when the world is in the sadness.

It means a lot to me....

But i don't know what they think about it...

Btw, bwt adikku yang manis.. Kamu kenapa akhir2 ini lesu sekali???? Koko jadi ikutan lesu....
Bwt neko-chan yang sekelas sama gw... Jangan sebut gw oom mesum karena lu sendiri juga mesum tau!!!!
Bwt vermillion, kenapa kau nge-fans ma L.... apa yang bagus dari dia... Dan dia itu udah mati *tapi dalem cerita loh* *spoiler bwt yang belum baca death note sampe abis, lupakan kata2 gw tadi*....

what the F*#K!!!!
