Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

May 13, 2009

Semakin dewasa dan semakin gw bertumbuh secara mental, semakin gw sadari bahwa pada akhirnya gw hidup seorang diri di dunia ini. Meskipun ada orang-orang lain di sekitar kita yang menemani, bukan berarti mereka dapat selalu ada untuk kita begitu pula kita untuk mereka.

Semakin gw sadari bahwa yang selama ini gw perjuangkan untuk orang lain semakin tidak berarti. Karena pada akhirnya yang mendapat penghargaan atas apa yang telah gw buat adalah orang-orang lain. Dan tidak ada yang mengingat berapa susahnya gw melakukan hal itu.

Dan selama ini gw gak pernah menemukan orang yang menyadari bahwa gw selama ini bekerja di belakang dan melakukan hal-hal kotor lainnya hanya untuk kepentingan orang-orang di sekitar gw. Gw melakukan hal itu agar hal-hal buruk yang tidak diharapkan tidak akan terjadi. Namun sampai saat ini, gw belum menemukan ada orang yang sepenuhnya menyadari bahwa gw melakukan semua itu.

Gw bukan berpikir kalo gw ini membutuhkan pujian ataupun membutuhkan penghargaan dari orang-orang di sekitar gw. Tapi yang gw butuhkan saat ini adalah pernyataan akan keberadaan diri gw di dunia ini.

Ataukah gw emang tidak diharapkan untuk terus berada di dunia ini. Karena keberadaan gw sebenarnya tidak berarti sama sekali. Gw udah gak mau tau lagi. Karena semakin lama gw hidup semakin banyak yang membebani gw dan di satu sisi gw semakin kehilangan arti hidup gw.


Dream and Delusion

May 11, 2009

I don’t know what happen to me.
I was sleeping at the evening
I have an unconscious dream.
I dream about someone that went away about 4 years ago to another country.
In my dream, I met again with him.
I don’t know but it makes me feel lonely.
Cause I can remember all the things that we have done together.
Actually it’s not like me to say such a sentimental things like this.
But because that dream, I can recall all the things with him.


Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Feel the pain, feel the suffer

Now, my life was upside down...
Nothing happened as what I imagine before

Actually it's not a big a deal for me
But for the real
why such a thing like this happen to me???

every unlucky thing comes to my life
one by one
slow but sure

i just want to live happily
without pain n suffer
no deal for hope
no think to die

but somehow
i just want to erase my existance in this world
and never want to live this life anymore

i try to ignore everything

but when i try that
many of you come to me to say this and that
so i can't do that

as my parents so
they put to much hopr on my shoulders

as my big brother
he put unforgetable swear to me

as my second brother
he put unforgetable promise to me

and as my life goes on
i still need to struggle with many things

i need to face the pain
i need to fight the suffer

although i ain't gonna live in this world
i still need to face the truth



yeah i've been reading ur post
i have watch the same movie

but at last
you could never say that she betray him just for herself
she has another reason to betray
even though it's an unforgivable things

somehow we need to lie to the dearest person
and at last
she shows her words to him
life it's not that simple

maybe u can say i'm the Trickster

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

I Hope...

I ever wonder…
I wake up in a random morning.
Somebody told me that my time in this world is only a day left.
I’ll be full of joy after hearing that.
I wish…
I fell sick suddenly.
Then, the doctor said that I suffered from cancer or whatever severe disease and told me that I can only survive not more than several months…
Another joy…
I want…
To live alone somewhere in this part of world.
Only me, alone.
Enjoying my peace time.
Doing things I want…
Yesterday, I watched “Wolverine” on the cinema.
Well, the real title is “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”.
I heard one saying there.
Very memorable for me.

“I thought you are the moon and I’m the one who brought flower for you. I thought I’m your Wolverine. But, you are the Trickster, right? And I’m the foolish guy who you tricked.”

So touching, yet, sad.
The guy who lived and survived for revenge, at the end found out that he tried to take revenge on someone who actually didn’t deserve it.
Whoever got near him will be in great danger and bad luck.
At the end, his memories were erased.
He even couldn’t recognize himself.
I wish I were someone like him.
At least, living for revenge.
Even it does hurt to know that the one you fight for has betrayed you.

Tormented Complex (TC)