Jumat, 30 April 2010

why Baskin Robin than Hagen Daaz?

I think it has been a long time since my last post...

Actually i'm not in a good mood of writing for several weeks lately.
But i think i need to write, to get some fresh air.

Well, i don't mean to promote those ice creams but people always make comparison between those trade marks. And this is my opinion...

I prefer Baskin Robin. Why?

First of all, i haven't taste Hagen Daaz before, so i can't judge whether it's good enough or not.

Secondly, i got Baskin Robin voucher from a bank, that's mean i can enjoy that precious ice cream for free or cheap (less than Rp 10.000 for a 3 scoop sundae. yum!). Trust me, if i've never got voucher for hagen daaz i won't taste it for entire of my life. (or at least somebody wanna pay for me :P )

Last, and also the least....
this is not so important reason, but somehow it affect me.....
in south korea....
(maybe you can hear a fan girl scream only by reading this sentence)


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