Jumat, 21 November 2008

Pride and Envy, BD and TC

Pride and Envy.
Somehow, it related.
Maybe, those are things that always come to my mind.
The things that always complicate everything.
Bothers me every time.
The things that will turn me into a pure asshole whenever it comes.
I don’t know whether it’s BD or TC that has these.
Maybe BD influences TC or vice versa.
TC is a personality that dominates 80% of my life.
But, BD showed up lately.
BD started to take over TC’s part.
TC wants to disappear from this world.
She started to let BD out so everyone can adapt to BD.
BD can handle things better than TC.
TC is lame at everything.
All she can do is just causing trouble for everyone.
Maybe I should let BD take over this body forever.
Let TC buried deep inside or vanish forever.
Hope BD won’t show that too much.
I think TC has to say goodbye to everyone…
Just be prepared…
In case something bad happen to her...

TC and BD.

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