Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

Just wanna answer

Cuma mo jawab rein...

btw akhir2 ini gue emang jadi ngefans ama yg dah almarhum...

-L-sama -->almarhum gara2 Raito
-Kaien-Dono -->almarhum gara2 hollow&rukia
-Nagi Springfield-->isunya almarhum


knp gue ngefans ama L?
karna L is better than Raito from every side (mnurut gue)


Nobody in this this world asked to be born
Nobody in this world planned to live in this world

I never knew why people call it as a gift
Or maybe it's a curse

but life means suffer

so why we should live in this world altough in the end we will die?
it's a question that human couldn't answer
all we need to do is

let "the waves would guide you to another day"

and that phrase inspire me to stay alive.

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