Kamis, 11 September 2008

it's been a long time

Long time no see

yeah, have kinda lot work to do
don't have time just to sit and relax

and mya computer also broken...

hahaha what a coincidence

Okay, first i want to thank you to all who still read this page
even we haven't write anything for 3 months

second, wanna say sorry to you who still waiting for us

third, thanks God my computer now is alright

Finally, i'll tell you bout my condition now.

I feel very bored in school. I don't know the reason why. But just feel that I always in the same situation. Same thing. Nothing new. Nothing make me interesting. Just show your interest even you don't interest in anything.

my headmistres also made me angry. I just kick her butt.
I don't know why i trap in a situation like this
Don't have any reason to show interest to anything
Don't have any reason to continue life

in a simple word

I feel emptiness surrounds me...


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