Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Hanya iseng-iseng

(ini ide yang muncul saat gw mendengar sebuah anime dengan judul 'Darker than Black')

Whenever I see the light
Light never comes to me

And as you can see
I in the darkness
It's darker than black

I can see the light
But it feels so distant to me
Very far
So I can't feel or catch it

I know
You from another side of the world
Sometimes looking at me
Just see me with your eyes
And think how I could get there

Don't ever think about it
This is just the pain in my ass
Don't mess your future
With such a people like me
Don't try to find out why I suppose to be in the dark side
Cause it's not the way for people like you to think about someone who cage up in the dark

Just forget about me
And don't think again about me
And leave me alone in the dark

tanggal 13 April ni tulisan gw bikin gara-gara lagi bete

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